London 2012: the fastest nation on earth is also the sportiest
Jamaica is the fastest nation on the planet, home to the fastest man and woman: Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and Usain Bolt have won the 100m Women and Men at the London 2012 Olympics, and Yohan Blake was a (relatively) close second in the 100m Men.
And Jamaica promises ballistics in the 100m Relay Men, where the USA seriously risk their customary dominant position.
Jamaica also leads GSN’s Olympic Per Capita Cup, which measures the inhabitants/points ratio.

In 2011 the Per Capita Cup went to Norway, with only 3413 inhabitants needed to win one GSN point, and Jamaica was second.
The 2012 Per Capita Cup (end of July) sees New Zealand leading with 8965 heads per point, while Jamaica, fourth in the 2012 Per Capita Cup, is leading the Olympic ranking (12336 heads per point) ahead of Denmark, Slovenia, New Zealand and Hungary.
Compare these figures with the USA, overall Global Cup winners in 2011, who were only 32nd in the Per Capita Cup, with 82924 healthy Americans needed to win one GSN point.
Bigger isn’t always stronger, and certainly not sportier!