danthompson's blog
Dan Thompson's RUN THE WORLD Challenge - Introduction
It started, as these things so often do, with a drunken night out. More specifically we were out for dinner with Jon and Jane and the conversation turned to our previous challenge (doing every different Olympic and Paralympic event) and what we should do next.
The IOC decision on new Olympic Sports (February 2013)
The executive committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) met on Feb 12
Welcome to the Greatest Sporting Nation
I'm Dan Thompson and I'm passionate about sports. Playing them, watching them, talking about them - and endlessly perusing tables, results and rankings. I've long thought about a system that would answer the question : which country is the best at sport?
Inspired by the 2008 Olympics, and the global obsession with the medals table, I put some initial thoughts down on an email in the autumn of 2008.
Less than a year later we're proud to launch TheGreatestSportingNation.com which answers that question - and so much more.
GSN will tell you which country is the best at sport in absolute terms and per capita. We can tell you which country has performed best over the past month, the year to date and since our records began. We can also tell you which country is the best by any individual sport or by any sport grouping (such as winter sports), by gender, over the history of a particular tournament - or by any combination of these factors.