Artistic Gymnastics

Global Cup - Artistic Gymnastics


Top Positions Points % Chg
1 China 266 16.2 1
2 United States 237 14.5 -1
3 Japan 150 9.2
4 Great Britain 135 8.2 1
5 Brazil 117 7.1 -1
6 Italy 117 7.1 5
7 Ukraine 96 5.9 -1
8 Philippines 60 3.7 16
9 Algeria 42 2.6 6
10 Romania 42 2.6 12


Top Positions Points % Chg
1 United States 339 20.7
2 China 234 14.3 1
3 Japan 207 12.6 -1
4 Brazil 147 9.0 1
5 Great Britain 93 5.7 -1
6 Ukraine 69 4.2 11
7 Netherlands 54 3.3 5
8 Germany 48 2.9 5
9 Kazakhstan 45 2.7 10
10 Armenia 45 2.7 -4


Top Positions Points % Chg
1 United States 275 16.8 2
2 Japan 243 14.8
3 China 210 12.8 -2
4 Great Britain 180 11.0 2
5 Brazil 104 6.3
6 Armenia 72 4.4 16
7 Canada 69 4.2 9
8 France 51 3.1 7
9 Philippines 51 3.1 -1
10 Italy 48 2.9 -6


Top Positions Points % Chg
1 China 513 19.6
2 Japan 425 16.2
3 United States 393 15.0
4 Italy 176 6.7
5 Brazil 147 5.6
6 Great Britain 108 4.1
7 South Korea 93 3.6
8 Philippines 81 3.1
9 Turkey 72 2.7
10 Germany 63 2.4

Per Capita Cup - Artistic Gymnastics


Top Positions People Per Point Chg
1 Armenia 90300
2 Ireland 158599
3 Croatia 276948
4 Israel 364962
5 Ukraine 442250 6
6 Romania 467571 11
7 Great Britain 486281 5
8 Kazakhstan 502058 -2
9 Italy 517310 10
10 Bulgaria 591822 11


Top Positions People Per Point Chg
1 Armenia 66220
2 Ireland 158599
3 Croatia 173092 10
4 Israel 291969 17
5 Netherlands 317852
6 Kazakhstan 401647 2
7 Greece 465988
8 Jordan 555162
9 Switzerland 563239
10 Japan 611932 -4


Top Positions People Per Point Chg
1 Armenia 41388 1
2 Ireland 158599 14
3 Great Britain 364711 8
4 Belgium 421147
5 Netherlands 440103 12
6 Japan 521276 -1
7 Canada 531757 14
8 Kazakhstan 1004117
9 United States 1187443 9
10 Italy 1260943 -3


Top Positions People Per Point Chg
1 Croatia 138474
2 Armenia 141900
3 Israel 153668
4 Belgium 270737
5 Japan 298398
6 Finland 306040
7 Italy 344873
8 Kazakhstan 376544
9 Hungary 408292
10 South Korea 553185

Artistic Gymnastics Tournaments

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Russia, China Share Artistic Gymnastics World Championships title

Russia and China shared top spot at the 2017 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships held in Montreal, Canada, with both countries scoring 192 points.

Jordyn Wieber of the USA

2011 Round-up: Gymnastics

If it’s true that most sports evolve today at a much faster pace than yesterday,